Divide and Conquer – a guide on understanding wine by someone who has yet to do so
2nd September 2021
For many millennia, people around the world have been fermenting grape juice to create an alcoholic drink – wine. Perhaps it is no wonder, then, that unlike most other booze, I have always struggled to understand wine – how it’s made, where it’s from, how these factors impact the flavour – the whole lot.
An Ode to Tastings – and why everyone should be doing them
2nd September 2021
Over the past few years, I have experienced a fairly drastic shift for the better when it comes to culinary experiences. Across the board, food and drinks have become more interesting and enjoyable. I attribute this welcome phenomenon to my increasingly frequent tastings.
An Ode to Tastings – and why everyone should be doing them
2nd September 2021
An Ode to Tastings – and why everyone should be doing them
2nd September 2021